📄️ Purchase Orders Listing
List all Purchase Orders:
📄️ Export Purchaser Orders
Please select PO(s) that you want to export then click Export CSV button:
📄️ Create Purchaser Order
Please click on New Purchase Order button to create a new PO:
📄️ Create Purchaser Order from Shopify Orders
In the Shopify Order tab, you can create PO from one or many orders.
📄️ Edit Purchaser Order
Summary Information
📄️ Send Email To Supplier
📄️ Duplicate PO
You can make a copy of PO by clicking on the Duplicate PO button.
📄️ Delete PO
To remove a PO, click on the Delete button.
📄️ Add Products to Purchase Order
- Add Products to Purchase Order
📄️ Import Products to Purchase Order
📄️ Confirm Purchase Order
📄️ Complete Purchase Order
📄️ Receive Purchase Order
📄️ Add note for each product
We have a note icon for each product:
📄️ Export/Print Purchase Order
- Export PO from Purchase Order listing page
📄️ Add note for Purchase Order
In the purchase order details, there is a place where you can add notes to your PO.