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Create Purchaser Order from Shopify Orders

In the Shopify Order tab, you can create PO from one or many orders.

  1. Choose the order(s)
  2. Click on the Create PO button

Create PO button

Then, you will see configuration for New Purchase Order as below:

New PO form

  • Created by Sales Order(s): The order number that you have chosen.
  • PO number: The number is configured automatically.
  • PO from (Supplier): Select the supplier in the dropdown menu.
  • PO to: Name and Address of store you want to receive.
  • PO date: The day you create PO. It is configured automatically.
  • Expected arrival: The time you expect to receive orders.
  • Currency: Choose the currency you want. It is configured automatically.

When finishing, click on the Prepare PO button.

You have created a new PO from Shopify Orders successfully.